Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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Worship and Pastoral Care Committee

The Worship and Pastoral Care Committee is to assist the Rector in carrying out those canonical duties assigned to the Rector in the planning of the worship and liturgy of the church.  The chair of this committee works closely with the Rector to coordinate meetings and to assist in bringing together those people and materials which will support and advance worship in the church.  
Grace Parker, Chair
Home: (804) 758-3640
Mobile (770) 354-5310
Email Grace


Pat Anderson, Secretary & Nurse

Mobile: (804)-928-1323

Email Pat
Libby Boyer, Music Director

 Mobile: (804) 725-8818

Email Libby

Lydia Dudley, Usher Liaison


Mobile: (540) 207-4962

Email Lydia

Barbara Gill, Choir Liaison

Mobile: (804) 854-6554

Email Barbara

Peg Moncure, Deacon

Vestry Liaison

Mobile: 804-869-3867

Email Deacon Peg