Christ Church Parish Privacy Policy
The Christ Church Parish Privacy Policy is simple: we do not sell, rent or give away your personal information, nor do we let anyone use it for any form of commercial advertising. We use it only for Church-related business.
The Church Directory, Christ Church Website and the Christ Church Newsletter include personally identifiable information such as mailing addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and family members. We collect this information from Directory Information Forms.
We only provide the Church Directory to Christ Church Parish parishioners. Non-parishioners may not access the Church Directory and parishioners may not provide access to anyone who is not a Parishioner. Parishioners may not use the information contained in the Church Directory for non-church related activities. Parishioners may edit their information by contacting the Church Office or the Webmaster.
Parishioners may not contact the entire membership. Any messages intended for the entire Parish must be sent to the Church Office, the Webmaster, the Parish Nurse or to the Rector; the Church reserves the right to edit such messages or refuse to forward them.
Parishioners permit the Church from time-to-time to include in the Church Directory, Church Newsletter and other Church related documents the following: photographs and/or other parishioner’s identifiable information.
Questions or comments about this policy should be directed to the Rector or Senior Warden.