Christ Church Parish (Episcopal)

The Sixth Sunday of Easter: Rogation Sunday - Holy Eucharist: Rite I

In-Person Only - Mother's Day

Sunday, May 14, 2023
8:00 AM

Christ Church Parish
20 Christchurch Lane 
Saluda, VA 23149
Driving Directions

Each Sunday at 8:00 and 10:30 AM Christ Church Parish will have in-person worship service inside the church sanctuary.  The 10:30 service will be streamed live and recorded on the Christ Church Parish Facebook page by 1:00 PM and later that afternoon on our YouTube page.

Rogation Sunday - The word rogation comes from Latin verb rogare, meaning "to ask", which reflects the beseeching of God for the appeasement of his anger and for protection from calamities.


Christ Church Parish (Episcopal)

56 Christchurch Lane
P.O. Box 476
Saluda, VA 23149
(804) 758-2006
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