Christ Church Parish Flower Guild Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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Flower Guild


Harriette Floyd

(804) 869-5495

Email Harriette

We are always looking for new members to join our dedicated team of Altar Guild and Flower Guild members

The members of Christ Church Flower Guild offer a wide range of talents and abilities but all share a love of flowers and a love of our beautiful church.

They create arrangements to the glory of God for weekly services and for the holidays.  Men and women with an interest in floral design are encouraged to join.  The more experienced members are always willing to help and guide the new members.  Training and instruction are available for anyone who wishes to join our team. 

We have flowering shrubs in the memorial garden to the rear of the church and in front of the parish house that may be cut for use in the altar arrangements,

Members are assigned to an altar guild team who serve on a weekly rotation throughout the year.  They will be given a schedule noting when they are on duty in addition to a schedule of the Sundays when memorial flowers are given.  When memorial flowers are given the team member should confirm with the flower guild chair, Cindy Naylor, if she will be arranging the flowers or only providing them for the flower guild member to arrange.

On feast days everyone helps!  It is a fun and joyful experience.

During Lent the altar remains bare.

 Click on the link for the 2022 Flower Guild Schedule. Flower_Guild_Schedule_2024.pdf