Christ Church Parish (Episcopal)

Lenten Luncheon Series

Wednesday, February 21, 2018
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Christ Church Parish Hall
56 Christchurch Lane 
Saluda, VA 23149
Driving Directions

Noonday Prayers in the Parish Hall followed by soup, bread and/or sandwich and the Lenten presentation by Fr. Stuart Wood, Priest-in-Charge.  The Lenten presentation will center around our Lenten Hymns.  During Lent we may get wrapped up in singing a hymn and don't really get the chance to concentrate on what the words and verses actually mean.  Each week Father Stuart will select a hymn and  discuss how it relates to the culmination on Easter Sunday.

Lunch will consist of something quite simple: soup & bread or a simple sandwich.


Christ Church Parish (Episcopal)

56 Christchurch Lane
P.O. Box 476
Saluda, VA 23149
(804) 758-2006
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