Christ Church Parish (Episcopal)

Endowment Board Meeting

Friday, February 26, 2021
9:30 AM

Christ Church Parish Hall
Fellowship Hall 56 Christchurch Lane
Saluda, VA 23149
Driving Directions

Christian stewardship involves the faithful management of all the gifts God has given to humankind - time, talent, the created world and money, including accumulated, inherited and appreciated assets.  Christians can give to the work of the Church through a variety of gift vehicles, in addition to cash and securities, including bequests in wills, charitable remainder trusts and other life income gifts, other trusts, life insurance policies, real estate, securities and other property. 

It is the desire of the parish to encourage, receive and administer these gifts in a manner faithful to the loyalty and devotion to God expressed by the donors, and in accord with the canons of the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Virginia, and the policies of this parish.

The Endowment Boards meet the fourth Friday of each month at 9:30 AM.


Christ Church Parish (Episcopal)

56 Christchurch Lane
P.O. Box 476
Saluda, VA 23149
(804) 758-2006
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