Christ Church Parish (Episcopal)

Amazon Smile - Means Money Back for Christ Church


If you go to to register Christ Church Parish, Saluda, VA and then use for your shopping on Amazon the church will receive 1/2 of 1% of the amount of you purchases back from Amazon. Read the article below for the details.  To register you should search and select

Christ Church Parish, Saluda, VA

 Amazon Smile

Many of us have found great value in shopping through Amazon.  A wide selection, good product reviews, competitive prices or better, and 2-day delivery are all reasons we use this service.   It saves a lot of driving time searching for items that are not found nearby and is generally just very efficient.  There is ANOTHER benefit, however, which many are not using, and that isthe charitable arm of Amazon, called Amazon Smile.  You can now select Christ Church Parish, Saluda, VA as a qualified recipient of a rebate from our purchases.  Amazon Smile will donate ½ of 1% of all qualified purchases (which are virtually ALL purchases), to Christ Church Parish, and deposit the total in our account quarterly.  ½ of 1% may not seem a lot, but it is amazingly generous and absolutely free to us.  Think back to your purchases over the last year, and do the math…this one action could result in hundreds of dollars to our parish.  Go to and select Christ Church Parish, Saluda, VA as your charity, and use when you shop.  Christ Church’s finance people will smile too!


Ancient coins represent a Maundy Thursday tradition
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Christ Church Parish (Episcopal)

56 Christchurch Lane
P.O. Box 476
Saluda, VA 23149
(804) 758-2006
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