Christ Church Parish (Episcopal)

Buildings & Grounds Committee Meeting

Tuesay, September 13, 2022
9:30 AM

Christ Church Parish - Parish Hall
56 Christchurch Lane 
Saluda, VA 23149
Driving Directions



MISSION: The Mission of the Buildings Ground Committee is to enhance and maintain the buildings and grounds of Christ Church Parish (Episcopal) within its financial ability in a way that supports the mission of the Church, respecting and promoting the historic nature of the Parish, while making it a warm and inviting facility of worship and community outreach for its current and future congregants.

MEMBERSHIP: The Committee is chaired by the Junior Warden who remains the “point of contact” , and who will coordinate the efforts and activities of roughly six to ten active members.

STRUCTURE: The Committee has the following areas of responsibility along with the Committee member assigned to oversea that area.

TASKS AND ACTIVITIES: Each individual member of the Committee is responsible for their area of responsibility which includes but is not limited to the following tasks and activities:

Acts as the “eyes and ears” for their area of responsibility reporting all safety and functional issues, concerns, and proposals to the Committee and the Junior Warden on a routine basis. This implies routine inspections that occur weekly, bi-weekly, or as a result of some significant even such as weather, unusual use, etc. Makes recommendations to the Junior Warden on how to deal with issues. (I.e.- a DIY repair, contractor required, emergency repair, etc.) May help in finding appropriate contractors to assist in the repairs. Makes recommendations to the Junior Warden on preparing the annual budget and the ordering of materials for their area. Is NOT RESPONSIBLE for physically carrying out the repairs and maintenance that may be required. Makes recommendations to the Committee for long-term/major/costly projects in their area of responsibility. Supports the inspection of other areas of responsibility and the Junior Warden as needed and when other members are not available. Provides input into the Repair Log that contains information on the repairs that are made as to date, who did the repair (DIY, Name of contractor, etc.) what was done to repair the situation.


To be maintained by the Junior Warden

This is a record of the maintenance and conducted that will include what the task was, who completed it (DIY, Contractor, Other) the date of the repair, the cost of the repair, and materials used (i.e. - paint brand, type, quality level, color, etc.) where appropriate.


Christ Church Parish (Episcopal)

56 Christchurch Lane
P.O. Box 476
Saluda, VA 23149
(804) 758-2006
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