Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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Men's Brotherhood

Brotherhood of Christ Church Parish is the church's men's group.  We normally meet at 9:00 am on the second Sunday of each month in the Parish Hall to plan upcoming events, have delicious breakfasts and enjoy good fellowship as well as enjoying interesting and informative speakers. We do not meet in June, July or August.

The Brotherhood sponsors several events during the year including the Strove Tuesday Pancake Supper, the annual church picnic and the Oyster Festival booth. Membership is open to all male church members regardless of age.  Annual breakfast contribution is only $60 per member and covers the expense of the 9 breakfasts a year.
The monies raised from breakfast contributions, the Pancake Supper and the Oyster Festival are used for Outreach to local non-profit organizations such as Hand Across Middlesex, Christmas Friends, the YMCA, etc.
Please join us the second Sunday of each month at 9:00 am in the Parish Hall. Come hungry!




Bill Budd, President

(571) 332-9259

Email Bill








Bill Snider. Secretary

Mobile: (804) 539-5020

Email Bill


Mike Floyd, Treasurer
(804) 869-9550
Email Mike