Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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End of Life Planning Brochure

Subject: End of Life Brochure

PDF Document: End_of_Life_Planning_brochure_3_16_2018_FINAL_two_after_TC.pdf

Word Document: End_of_Life_Planning_brochure_3_16_2018_FINAL_two_after_TC_Editable.docx

It is possible that no one knows if you have finalized how you would like your treasures and assets distributed when you leave this earth. It is also possible that no one knows if you have finalized your funeral arrangements, selected pall bears, or bought a cemetery lot. Your friends and family may not remember your favorite charities, your church, or who gets the family heirlooms. Your friends, family and Clergy will appreciate that you made these decisions and completed this brochure.

You are encouraged to complete this planning brochure while you are healthy and able to communicate your wishes with your family, clergy, and estate planning professionals. In doing so, you create or update your important estate planning documents i.e.; Medical directives, Power of Attorney, and wills and or trusts These enable you to live as desired with quality end-of-life care as you desire.  

Equally important is making known to your family and clergy what kind of service you want. “Do you want a church service (Rite I or Rite II) and Holy Communion? What scriptures and hymns do you want to be read and sang at your service? Do you want family/friends to share reflections? Who do you want as pallbearers, how would you like your obituary to read? How will you remember your favorite charities and church?” Questions like these need to be answered.

You shouldn’t assume relatives and others know what you want.  You need to do this yourself. This will be greatly appreciated by your loved ones & it will give you peace of mind knowing that it is done.

Father Stuart is available to meet with parishioners to finalize their individual plans.

There are two ways to access this End of Life document:

1.  Open the attachment (in Word or the PDF version), by clicking on the Word or PDF file at the top of this page.


2.  There will be several of these documents printed and available in the office.

There are a couple of options regarding how you fill it in.

  1. Open the Word document at the top of this page and save as a blank document, and then fill it in online. You should use the spacebar and the arrow keys to navigate the document. You shouldn’t use the Enter key or the Tab key – it “pushes” the text. You can use the Backspace key to make adjustments. Once you are completed it, make sure to save as a completed doc then print it.
  2. You may print it blank copy of the PDF file at the top of this page and fill it in by hand. The PDF can't be filled in online.

  3. You may get a copy from the office and fill it in by hand.


You may call Robin Wells with questions about how to fill it in.

Home: (804) 776-0086
Mobile: (804) 832-3849